Real Estate Group LLC

Investment With Farmland

Richland is a full service real estate company that is also specialized in land investment for shopping plazas, warehouses, offices and multi-family apartments, and farm & ranch land across Texas. We also have a network of support from dedicated local Land Professionals. When you buy or sell with us, you partner with experienced Land Professionals who know many types of land all across the state. Richland goes above and beyond to make sure your needs are taken care of.

Though buying piece of dirt might be simple as many people image, and it may seem so at first glance, especially with so many land tracts available outskirts of cities and surrounding counties in Texas, land brokerage is a complex, multi-faceted, highly specialized niche in the business of real estate. Unlike most improved property, land value analysis is complicated by the multitude of uses to which a given tract might be put. A land professional must also be very knowledgeable about local land ordinances, zoning, and environmental issues, ownership and legal issues with its title.

Why Richland Real Estate Group?

Our boots-on-the-ground experience to make a careful and critical examination of investment-grade land for you. Our rigorous due diligence to make sure no hidden physical, ownership and legal issues with the land. We will negotiate the best price and a sound contract for you, and we can also invest with you in most of projects, to earn annual appreciation and /or cash returns while we handle all the details.

Current Offerings

Richland has a thorough underwriting process that eliminates over 99% of the parcels that we evaluate, so there is often downtime between offerings. We typically send a notice to potential interested investors new land candidate whenever we identify one. You may setup a contact with us to be notified as new offerings become available.

September 2024